• Fri. Sep 27th, 2024

Marketers Can Optimize Customer Trust with Branded Video Content


Jul 26, 2024

Consumers won’t buy anything from your client’s brand if they don’t trust it. And no, it doesn’t matter what products or services your client specializes in. Here’s how to boost trust, and therefore sales, with branded video content.

Why Trust is Important

According to a study from MAGNA, Initiative and Vevo, most consumers base purchase intent on a brand’s trustworthiness. And if they don’t trust a brand, their likelihood to purchase plummets. Just take a look at these stats across four popular product and service categories:

Auto: 87% of consumers will make a purchase from a trustworthy brand. Only 14% will make the same purchase from an untrustworthy one

Finance: 86% vs. 14%

OTC Medication: 83% vs. 17%

Fast Casual Dining: 77% vs. 23%

Basically, no trust means no purchase.

What makes consumers not trust brands?

The study surveyed consumers to see what makes consumers distrustful of brands. Their answers varied:

No connection with me: Nearly 40% of consumers agree this makes them distrust brands

Inauthenticity: About 30%

Hard to find reviews: About 30%

No diversity in ads: About 25%

Poor customer service: About 25%

Pretty much all of these qualms with a brand’s trustworthiness can be solved with branded video content.

The Power of Video Ads

In order to prove your client’s trustworthiness among their target audience, your client needs to reach consumers where they are. And consumers won’t pay attention to the ads they don’t prefer to see. The study shows that branded video content is among the ads consumers prefer engaging with the most:

TV ads: 48% of consumers agree that they prefer to be engaged with TV ads

Social media ads: 33%

Website content: 25%

Online video ads: 23%

Video ads, whether on the TV, social media, a website, or elsewhere online are great tools for earning trust. For example, let’s take a look at how branded video content can remedy the trust issues above:

No connection with me: If they’re interested in video ads, they’ll pay attention to ones your client makes. Plus using TV ad formats like CTV can get your client’s ads in front of the people they’d impact most. And if your client features those people in the ads, there’s the connection on a personal level

Inauthenticity: Behind-​the-​scenes videos are a great way for consumers to get to know brands genuinely. And if your client’s ads only feature true content, they’re authentic

Hard to find reviews: Feature customer testimonials in the video ads

No diversity in ads: Visual ads like video are one of the easiest to diversify. Make sure there’s a good mix of actors, especially ones who represent your client’s target audience. Find out your client’s target audience’s demographic information on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel

Poor customer service: Feature your client’s customer service efforts in the video. You can also combine this point with reviews by featuring a testimonial that mentions their customer service experience

See? Branded video content is an easy way to solve all five of these trust issues.

Trust Building Practices

Of course, your client can’t stop with just creating quality branded video content. They need to pay attention to other details that inspire trust. The study reveals that the most effective actions for building trust among advertising practices include:

Paying attention to the content ads run next: 33% of consumers agree

Sharing online content created by customers (like TikTok reviews): 30%

Strong creative stories in ads: 27%

Ad messages that reflect my experiences: 24%

Incorporate these practices with your client’s branded video content to make trustworthy and effective ads.

Photo by: Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

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